Thread: 2022 SSA Session: Seismo-geodetic Approaches for Seismic and Tectonic Processes

Started: 2022-01-05 17:31:30
Last activity: 2022-01-05 17:31:30
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Do you incorporate geodetic tools in your seismology research? If so, please consider submitting an abstract to the session Seismo-geodetic Approaches for Seismic and Tectonic Processes at the upcoming Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, which will be held in Bellevue, WA from April 19-23. Abstracts are due by January 12:

A description of the session is below:

Geodetic tools have become routine in studies of tectonic plate motions, ground deformation, dynamic seismic observations, earthquake early warning, and short-/long-term seismic hazard projections. Geodetic observations are complementary to seismic observations, increasing the spatial resolution of seismic source models, characterizing spatiotemporal tectonic deformation, and providing additional constraints on seismic processes. Advances to geodetic data processing and its incorporation in evolving seismological methods contribute to faster and more reliable seismic and disaster-mitigation applications.

This session welcomes contributions in the field of seismo-geodesy. We invite abstracts relating to any geodetic tool (e.g., GNSS, InSAR, strain, etc.) demonstrating new applications, improvements, or analyses of tectonic deformation, specific earthquakes or sequences, or other seismic processes with geodetic observations. We encourage submissions that illustrate the complementary nature of geodetic methods to their seismological counterparts, providing a comprehensive picture of a given seismic or tectonic process.

Revathy M. Parameswaran, University of Alaska Fairbanks (rmparameswaran<at>
Dara E. Goldberg, US Geological Survey (degoldberg<at>

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